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    Jelena Ostapenko 結果共5筆

  • Chan Hao-Ching out of US Open in semifinals

    Discover how Taiwanese tennis star Chan Hao-Ching and her partner Veronika Kudermetova’s journey ended in the US Open women’s doubles semifinals against the Ukrainian-Latvian duo. Learn about their performance and achievements.
    2024/09/05 11:30
  • Hsieh Su-wei triumphs at Australian Open

    Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei and Belgium’s Elise Mertens won the Australian Open women’s doubles championship on Jan. 28. This victory is notable as Hsieh is only the third player in the past 24 years to win both the women’s and mixed doubles titles at the Australian Open. At 38 years and 24 days old, Hsieh is the second-oldest women’s doubles champion in Grand Slam history, just eight days younger than U.S. record holder Lisa Raymond. After an 18-month break due to injury, Hsieh made a triumphant return in 2023, winning the Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon. Hsieh and Mertens defeated Lyudmyla Kichenok from Ukraine and Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia in the women’s doubles final with a score of 6-1, 7-5. Hsieh has a total of eight Grand Slam trophies, including seven titles in women’s doubles, but is yet to win a title at the U.S. Open.
    2024/01/29 14:38
  • 澳網/謝淑薇女雙封后!拍落法網冠軍 「雙冠」創24年神紀錄

    台灣「網球一姊」謝淑薇今(28)日中午12點和比利時老搭檔梅丹絲(Elise Mertens)攜手出戰澳網女雙冠軍戰,對手為烏克蘭琪切諾克(Lyudmyla Kichenok)和拉脫維亞歐絲塔潘珂(Jelena Ostapenko)組合,其中歐絲塔潘珂是2017年法網女單冠軍,謝淑薇組合穩住陣腳,以6:1、7:5直落二拿下女雙冠軍。
    2024/01/28 13:49
  • 澳網/謝淑薇拚大滿貫雙冠后就在今日 挑戰賽史24年神紀錄

    台灣「網球一姊」謝淑薇和波蘭選手傑林斯基(Jan Zielinski)首度聯手,以6:7、6:4、11:9擊敗賽會2號種子、英國與美國組合斯庫普斯基與柯拉芙奇珂,成功奪下2024年澳洲網球公開賽混雙冠軍。今日中午12點謝淑薇將和比利時老搭檔梅騰絲(Elise Mertens)攜手,力拚女雙冠軍,對手為烏克蘭琪切諾克(Lyudmyla Kichenok)、拉脫維亞歐絲塔潘珂(Jelena Ostapenko),若奪冠,就會是繼2000年的史塔布絲(Rennae Stubbs)後,首位在單屆澳網奪得混雙、女雙雙料冠軍的選手。
    2024/01/28 09:49
  • 睽違42年後 溫布頓錦標賽再有「網球媽媽」晉級8強

    作為全球網壇最高殿堂之一,英國溫布頓錦標賽(Wimbledon)是所有選手的夢想,也能想像其競爭有多麼激烈。《澳洲新聞網》(ABC)報導,現年34歲、來自德國的女單選手塔季揚娜·瑪麗亞(Tatjana Maria)激戰三盤後,驚險逆轉拉托維亞女將奧斯塔朋科(Jelena Ostapenko),成為1980年之後、第二位身兼母親身份的網球選手,闖進溫布頓八強賽事。
    2022/07/04 14:48
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